Guillermo Vieiro je bil star 44 let, ko se je s svojim plezalnim partnerjem Leonardom Rabalom odpravil na zahtevno odpravo na več kot 6500 metrov visok vulkan Tupungato na meji med Argentino in Čilom. Odprava se je končala tragično; trupli so našli takoj, njuno opremo pa šele desetletja pozneje.

Undated handout picture released by Vieiro family and Rabal family of the late legendary mountaineer Guillermo Vieiro. After four decades trapped in the ice of the Tupungato volcano, the backpack left behind by the legendary climber when he died on an expedition in 1985 was rescued by his daughters, in an emotional journey that turned the history of South American mountaineering on its head. Vieiro, known for having climbed Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas at 6,900 metres, several times, lost his life at the age of 44 while descending a complex route on Tupungato accompanied by his apprentice Leonardo Rabal, who also died at the age of 20.,Image: 971549498, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / GENTILEZA FAMILIA VIEIRO Y FAMILIA RABAL " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: noFoto: Profimedia

Fotografija Guillerma Vieire iz njegovega aparata, posneta pred 40 leti. Vir: Profimedia

Lani je alpinistka Gabriela Cavallaro naletela na nahrbtnik, iz njega pa ji je uspelo rešiti fotoaparat in cepin. Po analizi predmetov je ugotovila, da pripadajo Vieiri, zato je vzpostavila stik z njegovima hčerama Guadalupe in Azul Vieiro, ki sta se odločili, da bosta sami poiskali preostanek očetove opreme.

Azul Vieiro, 44, daughter of the late legendary mountaineer Guillermo Vieiro, poses for a picture with her father's rucksack and pickaxe in Mendoza, Argentina, on February 28, 2025. After four decades trapped in the ice of the Tupungato volcano, the backpack left behind by the legendary climber when he died on an expedition in 1985 was rescued by his daughters, in an emotional journey that turned the history of South American mountaineering on its head. Vieiro, known for having climbed Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas at 6,900 metres, several times, lost his life at the age of 44 while descending a complex route on Tupungato accompanied by his apprentice Leonardo Rabal, who also died at the age of 20.,Image: 971549499, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions:, Model Release: noFoto: Profimedia

Azul Vieiro z nahrbtnikom in cepinom svojega očeta, ki je tragično preminul pred 40 leti. Foto: Profimedia

Ekspedicija na kraj tragedije

Prejšnji mesec sta se sestri podali na 11-dnevno ekspedicijo proti vrhu Tupungata. Na višini 6100 metrov sta našli njegov nahrbtnik, v katerem so bili jakna, spalna vreča, plastenka vode, aspirin, tablete vitamina C, noži in dva koluta filma Super 8. Za Azul je bilo to odkritje še posebej čustveno: "V naši družini je bila beseda 'gora' vedno tabu. Mama ni želela imeti ničesar z odkritjem tega nahrbtnika. Zaznamovali sta nas žalost in praznina."

Undated handout picture released on February 28, 2025 by Vieiro family and Rabal family of the late climber apprentice Leonardo Rabal. After four decades trapped in the ice of the Tupungato volcano, the backpack left behind -and in which two super8 films were found- was rescued by his daughters in an emotional journey that turned the history of South American mountaineering on its head. Vieiro, known for having climbed Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas at 6,900 metres, several times, lost his life at the age of 44 while descending a complex route on Tupungato accompanied by his apprentice Leonardo Rabal, who also died at the age of 20.,Image: 971549510, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / GENTILEZA FAMILIA VIEIRO Y FAMILIA RABAL " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: noFoto: Profimedia

Vieirov soplezalec Leonardo Rabal, ki je preminul skupaj z njim. Foto: Profimedia

Prvi, ki sta osvojila najtežjo pot na vrh

Posnetki s filma so razkrili, da sta bila Vieiro in Rabal prva plezalca, ki sta osvojila vrh Tupungata po njegovi najtežji, vzhodni strani.

"Mama nam nikoli ni povedala, kdo je bil," je dejala Azul. "Vedeli smo le, da je umrl v gorah. Počutim se, kot da ponovno odkrivam njegove zgodbe."

Sestrska pustolovščina je tako postala ne le zgodovinsko odkritje, temveč tudi ganljivo srečanje s preteklostjo njunega očeta, ki ga nikoli nista zares poznali.
