Zaenkrat gre šele za prototip prve lesene jakne na svetu, sestavljene iz 250.000 lasersko izrezanih koščkov ameriškega oreha.

"Les je eden najpogostejših gradbenih materialov na svetu in tako že od začetka človeštva," pravijo pri Vollebaku. "Če lahko 30 odstotkov vseh stavb na svetu zgradimo iz lesa, zakaj ga ne bi uporabili tudi pri oblačilih?"

Ferrari Press AgencyWooden jacket 1Ref 1653411/02/2025See Ferrari textPictures must credit: VollebakA fashion label has unveiled a jacket — made of wood.And the company said it did it because turning a tree into clothing was "an absurdly difficult technical challenge."The zip-up hooded jacket comes with pocket flaps.It has not released details of how the garment was manufactured.But a close up of the fabric shows tiny crosshatched mini blocks of wood.There is no clue given s to how they hold together.London-based company Vollebak intends to eventually offer wooden jackets for sale with a £2,495 GBP / €2.990 euros price tag.And it has opened a waiting list for those interested in acquiring one.A spokesperson said: " It's all about the technical feat vs the performance advantage of the material."It forces us to tackle, then solve, technical challenges that would otherwise remain completely theoretical."OPS: The Vollebak wooden jacket.Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 962199756, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions:, Model Release: no

Jakna je sestavljena iz 250.000 lasersko izrezanih koščkov ameriškega oreha. Foto: Profimedia

Jakna ima škatlasto obliko in je narejena iz 0,5-milimetrskih lesenih lističev. Ti so nato prilepljeni na bombažno podlogo, posamezni kosi pa so med seboj povezani s 60 lepljenimi šivi.

Prostor za izboljšave

Jakna je bila izdelana v Italiji kot eksperimentalni prototip, Vollebak pa načrtuje komercialno proizvodnjo čez približno dve leti.

"Pred nami je še veliko preizkuševanja," je priznal Nick Tidball, soustanovitelj Vollebaka.

Ferrari Press AgencyWooden jacket 1Ref 1653411/02/2025See Ferrari textPictures must credit: VollebakA fashion label has unveiled a jacket — made of wood.And the company said it did it because turning a tree into clothing was "an absurdly difficult technical challenge."The zip-up hooded jacket comes with pocket flaps.It has not released details of how the garment was manufactured.But a close up of the fabric shows tiny crosshatched mini blocks of wood.There is no clue given s to how they hold together.London-based company Vollebak intends to eventually offer wooden jackets for sale with a £2,495 GBP / €2.990 euros price tag.And it has opened a waiting list for those interested in acquiring one.A spokesperson said: " It's all about the technical feat vs the performance advantage of the material."It forces us to tackle, then solve, technical challenges that would otherwise remain completely theoretical."OPS: The Vollebak wooden jacket.Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 962199685, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions:, Model Release: no

Prva lesena jakna na svetu bo stala nekaj čez 3000 evrov. Foto: Profimedia

Pri Vollebaku so sicer že šokirali svet s svojimi inovacijami: ustvarili so skoraj neuničljiv jopič iz posebnega materiala, ki je 15-krat močnejši od jekla, pa jakno iz bakra, ki naj bi ubijala viruse, in plašč iz grafena, ki deluje kot grelec in prevaja energijo.
